What’s this blog about?

Our Roots are in Digital – but we love helping people get ahead in their careers…

beginning image

I love all things digital and when I first started this blog with old college friends, we began by focusing our writings on just social media platforms like facebook, TwitterLinkedIn etc.  (hence the name.. ‘Deadly Digital’..)  and helping people who were new to social media or just wanted some practical help on setting up social media platforms. Along the way, we dished out practical social media tips along with news on the latest digital marketing trends.

But soon this evolved into a lot more.

The new direction we’re headed in…



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Thanks for your continued support..

We hope that this blog will help you gain confidence in many areas: from writing your CV through to setting up your facebook, LinkedIn page or maybe going along to great talk on digital media.


Get to it - Just do it

Get to it – Just do it


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