10 Interesting Twitter Accounts

Twitter is not just for following celebrities (and that’s used in the loosest of senses) and their more often than not, inane and dull ramblings (see below). In this blog post I will suggest 10 interesting Twitter accounts you may not have seen.

10 interesting twitter accounts

10. Accidental Partridge

This is a must follow for any fan of Alan Partridge. With the tv show already full of hilarious quotes and soundbites, the maker of this account trawls through ‘famous’ peoples tweets that could easily be the great man’s himself.


9. Bad Service News

Everyone loves a good moan, this account is set up for exactly that. If you’re having trouble with any service and feel like venting, this account will back you up, which is always good right?


8. Weird History

The bio says it all really for this one:  “Oddities, weirdities, trivia and smut from the past. “ and it does exactly what it says. Cool facts to impress down the pub I’m sure you’ll agree.


7. Top Of The Pops Fax

This one is so very simple but quite good at the same time. They tweet live trivia as TOTP airs on tv each week, some interesting stuff is tweeted if it’s what you’re in to.

6. Fascinating Pictures

Does exactly what it says (although some of them are more funny than fascinating) and I’m certain you will see pictures that either make you go “wow”, “aww” or even “lol”.

fascinating pics

5. Old School Panini

If you were like me,  a big fan of collecting football stickers growing up, this account is right down your street. They post pictures of old school football players and have a huge array of them too.


4. Office Arsehole

It seems someone has got no time for their work colleagues and vents their distaste for them in this account. It gets very, very funny although the language can get a bit explicit.

3. CrackBird Dublin

This one’s not about the content but how a business has used Twitter to great effect. If you’re in Dublin, simply tweet them #tweetseats plus a date & time and you and a friend eat for free. Pretty cool huh?


2. Irish Mammy

All those things your mammy said to you growing up all published here at some point in this Irish mammy account, you’re sure to relate to something or other on this page.


1. Danny DeVito

Yes, we all know who Danny DeVito is but his Twitter account is always good for a laugh. This is solely down to his constant posting pictures of his foot or #TrollFoot as he calls it. Definitely worth checking out.


Posted on April 2, 2013, in Twitter. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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