Great Social Media Campaigns

With social media being used more and more by businesses to promote their product over the last few years there comes a point when most of them all seem pretty much the same. In this blog I will look at some of the more unique and brilliant ideas businesses have used to get people sharing, retweeting, viewing and driving more traffic to their site. Enough of the boring stuff, let’s take a look at some great social media campaigns.


Dollar Shave Club

With male grooming being quite an expensive business and largely dominated by two companies (Gillette & Wilkinson Sword) who themselves spend a lot on their marketing by recruiting some of the world’s top actors and sports stars to star in their ads, you would think their might not be much chance for a small company to try and move in on their customers.

Dollar Shave Club showed with a clever & frankly hilarious video how you can go about getting the attention prospective customers. Not only is the campaign very good, you can’t argue with their prices, offering men razors at the small sum of $1 a month.

Check out their video below:

The Blair Witch Project

We’re going back a few years with this one, 14 years to be precise. No matter how long ago it was, The Blair Witch Project marketing campaign has to go down as one of, if not the most successful campaign ever which is quite something considering it was one of the first viral marketing efforts. The marketers behind the horror flick managed to create a lot of buzz for the small budget movie by using websites and message boards to garner interest in it months before its release.

Nobody seemed to know whether to story of a young documentary crew going missing in the woods was real or not which added to the excitement of its release. Fake newspaper articles about the crew’s disappearance added to the intrigue of it all. With a budget of just $500000 and a box office take worldwide of $248000it has to go down as a massive success story.



With an increasing trend on Facebook over the last couple of years of people writing controversial and largely uncomplimentary comments on company pages and receiving thousands of likes and shares, Bodyform (sanitary towel firm) decided to respond in the form of a video. Directing the video to the writer of the comment, Richard, they very cleverly answer all of his queries in a very funny manner.

Check it out for yourself:


Telenet, a Belgian tv station, setup “A Dramatic Surprise On A Quiet Square” which involves fights, a shoot-out and American football players.

To kick off all the drama, they placed a big red button and a sign reading “Push to add drama” in the middle of the square and waited until a member of public did just that. You can’t be quite sure if the public are aware of what’s going on but hey, it’s fantastic nonetheless. You can’t really argue with 44m views either.


Another video here from those public bothering Belgians, this time from Carlsberg. For this one, the video is set in a busy cinema but I won’t say too much else, the introduction of the video pretty much sums it up “148 bad boys, some innocent couples and only 2 seats left”.

Will the couples brave the cinema full of bad boys? There might be a prize if they do..

Take a look here:

I hope you enjoyed these 5 marketing campaigns; it goes to show that an original idea can go a long way when it comes to getting your brand out there and I’m sure there will be many, many more to come over the next few years.

Posted on April 4, 2013, in Facebook, LinkedIn, Pinterest, SEO, Social Media Mistakes, Twitter. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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