Top 10 job hunting tips….

job search tips

Hello all,

I’m hoping to start-up my blogs again and wanted to kick things off by writing a blog giving you some useful job hunting tips whether you are starting your first job or looking for a new one.

So, in no particular order, my top tips are:

  1. Get on LinkedIn and use it – This is one of the better social media platforms to be on. Start with a good professional photo and headline. Don’t be afraid to connect with people in companies that you would like to work for, or to ask colleagues to recommend you. LinkedIn is not just for people working already; use it while you are in college. 


2.   Update your CV regularly and always be truthful – Even if you are not actively job hunting, consider having an updated CV at the ready – you never know when a new opportunity might come your way!

Dear sir

3. Cover letters (and cover emails) really do matter first impressions count. Big time. This is your best opportunity to match your work history, education, strengths, and skills to what the employer is looking for.

First impressions

4. Find out whom the hiring manager is – Never address a letter or email with ‘Dear Sir / Madam’ or ‘To Whom It May Concern’ etc. – pick up the phone, email or check LinkedIn to find out the contact name.


5. Volunteer your time – if you are a recent graduate or short of experience in a particular field, consider volunteering. Employers love to see a potential candidate offering their free time to volunteer. Check out

network6. Network – Some job openings are never advertised; they are filled by ‘word-of-mouth’. Each one of us belongs to some form of network. Think of people who may be able to help you. Let them know that you’re looking for a job. Don’t assume that certain people won’t be able to help. You may be surprised by who they know.


7. Don’t overlook the value of internships The more experience you have, the easier you make the job hunt. The best way to show you know how to do something is to do it. If you’re looking to break into a field, consider an internship.

Tread carefully8. Manage social media wisely Tread carefully and watch what you say on social media while job hunting. It can both help and hurt you. Know how to protect your data on sites such as Facebook. If you are still employed, your employer may be watching your social profiles. If you are a job seeker, connect with people in companies you would like to work and follow their job openings and announcements.

care9. Take every opportunity to show you care – Every piece of extra effort is noticed and appreciated. Draft a new cover letter for each vacancy and tailor your CV to match the vacancy. Do your homework on the company. Learn about the types of people they hire and their company news. Make it really clear you want the job. Remember people’s names and what they do.

Thank you10. Follow up and remember to thank people – This is an easy but important one that we can all overlook. If you’ve interviewed and haven’t heard back in a while, why not follow-up to see where they are at.  If people go the trouble of providing you with a reference or have met you for an interview, remember to thank them. Good manners count. Above all, remember to stay patient and that with a bit of persistence things should start moving in the right direction for you.

Very best wishes in your job search, hope some of these help!

Rachel 🙂


Posted on August 20, 2015, in CV's & Job Hunting and tagged , , , . Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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