Author Archives: DeadlyDigital

Top 10 job hunting tips….

job search tips

Hello all,

I’m hoping to start-up my blogs again and wanted to kick things off by writing a blog giving you some useful job hunting tips whether you are starting your first job or looking for a new one.

So, in no particular order, my top tips are:

  1. Get on LinkedIn and use it – This is one of the better social media platforms to be on. Start with a good professional photo and headline. Don’t be afraid to connect with people in companies that you would like to work for, or to ask colleagues to recommend you. LinkedIn is not just for people working already; use it while you are in college. 

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Would you consider using Pinterest to promote your business or brand?

How to use Pinterest to Market Your Business

Pinterest – The Basics

How To Use Pinterest To Market Your Business

So – what’s all the hype about Pinterest? In this blog I’ll do my best to explain how to use Pinterest to market your business and hopefully this article will encourage more business owners to consider using this relatively new and interactive social media platform to drive more business to their websites.

Pinterest In A Nutshell

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Top 9 Most Common Social Media Mistakes and how to fix them

Top 9 Social Media Mistakes

Tweet Fails

Hi all, welcome to our 6th blog.

I decided to take a look at the most common social media mistakes out there and how we can go about fixing them.

We all know the immense power of social media – as the saying goes, ‘with great power comes great responsibility’ and when social media goes wrong, it goes horribly wrong.  I’m sure many of us, at some stage or another, have thought of where the consequences of that damaging online post could lead to. One rogue tweet, bad post or angry conversation will be screenshot before you can even think about deleting it. So to help you avoid the pitfalls, I’ve put together a list ‘Top 9 Most Common Social Media Mistakes and How to Fix Them’.

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LinkedIn for Beginners

When it comes to social media and keeping in touch with friends and people we work with, Facebook and Twitter are the first choices for people looking to connect and update their statuses.  Not a lot people consider LinkedIn. With that in mind, I’ve put together an easy to follow LinkedIn for Beginners’ guide that will hopefully encourage more people to join LinkedIn.

The LinkedIn Factor

First off, ‘What is LinkedIn’?

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