Category Archives: LinkedIn

Great Social Media Campaigns

With social media being used more and more by businesses to promote their product over the last few years there comes a point when most of them all seem pretty much the same. In this blog I will look at some of the more unique and brilliant ideas businesses have used to get people sharing, retweeting, viewing and driving more traffic to their site. Enough of the boring stuff, let’s take a look at some great social media campaigns.


Dollar Shave Club

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LinkedIn for Beginners

When it comes to social media and keeping in touch with friends and people we work with, Facebook and Twitter are the first choices for people looking to connect and update their statuses.  Not a lot people consider LinkedIn. With that in mind, I’ve put together an easy to follow LinkedIn for Beginners’ guide that will hopefully encourage more people to join LinkedIn.

The LinkedIn Factor

First off, ‘What is LinkedIn’?

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