Category Archives: Twitter

Great Social Media Campaigns

With social media being used more and more by businesses to promote their product over the last few years there comes a point when most of them all seem pretty much the same. In this blog I will look at some of the more unique and brilliant ideas businesses have used to get people sharing, retweeting, viewing and driving more traffic to their site. Enough of the boring stuff, let’s take a look at some great social media campaigns.


Dollar Shave Club

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10 Interesting Twitter Accounts

Twitter is not just for following celebrities (and that’s used in the loosest of senses) and their more often than not, inane and dull ramblings (see below). In this blog post I will suggest 10 interesting Twitter accounts you may not have seen.

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Top 9 Most Common Social Media Mistakes and how to fix them

Top 9 Social Media Mistakes

Tweet Fails

Hi all, welcome to our 6th blog.

I decided to take a look at the most common social media mistakes out there and how we can go about fixing them.

We all know the immense power of social media – as the saying goes, ‘with great power comes great responsibility’ and when social media goes wrong, it goes horribly wrong.  I’m sure many of us, at some stage or another, have thought of where the consequences of that damaging online post could lead to. One rogue tweet, bad post or angry conversation will be screenshot before you can even think about deleting it. So to help you avoid the pitfalls, I’ve put together a list ‘Top 9 Most Common Social Media Mistakes and How to Fix Them’.

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Twitter For Beginners

TWITTER!  I’m sure you’ve all heard of it, if not amongst friends or family you will almost certainly have seen it mentioned in the media at some point, as more and more news channels and newspapers reference it in their news stories (and not just about who Piers Morgan has got in an argument with, again). With ‘Twitter For Beginners’  I am here to show you the ropes of Twitter and how you can optimize it to your tastes.

twitter for beginners

Firstly, the basics: What is Twitter all about?

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